Monday, May 5, 2008

At Last! The Decision Had Been Made!

So basically Avang dosi accepted the offer from his company to pursue his career that meant half of his time would be in the UK and another half would be in Belgium.

The good thing was, he had a pay rise berganda ganda because of this. The only problem for us now is that, we won't be seeing each other much - BUT having said that, the company will supply him an apartment in Belgium town of Geel. Hmmm sekali imbas memang macam tadak benda kat Geel ittew tapi weols dosi survey survey town inniew and looked like it's okay AND it's not so far either from Antwerp! Our favourite city in Belgium!

Another good thing is that, if we are ever thinking of driving to some cities in Europe, this town can be our base. For example, we're thinking about going to Frankfurt's Christopher Street Day this summer - perhaps we can both be in Geel first and then drive all the way to Frankfurt (it's only about 3.5 hours drive according to Avang). Not bad eh?
**not bad katanya hakikatnya pakcik tu yang kena drive berjam jam, mak jugak dok sedap sedap dok seat depan tengok pemandangan kiri kanan depan belakang!

Another problem is that, if Avang's not in the UK, that means I'd have to take that bloody slow hell of a bus to work. Can you imagine 2 hours of your life in a day already gone just by sitting on that freakin' bus?

We're thinking about moving to the town where I work in a nice apartment where we've already looked at BUT it's just not Cambridge... we love Cambridge and not sure if moving to this town will make us feel good or not. Cambridge is a safe city to be!

The apartments in this town were nice and brand new and most of all, £300 cheaper than what we currently pay in Cambridge! Which means saving lots of money including saving my money by not using that freakin slow bus back and forth!

No thanks to the rise in petrol price, the weekly ticket of that bus is now has risen up to £20.00 from £18.00 a few weeks ago!

Having said that, I still will travel a lot back and forth to Stansted Airport to as I'd be going (or coming back from) to Belgium to have a weekend there with Avang. So, one weekend we will be in the continent and another weekend we'll be in the UK kaedahnya.

This will be Avang's usual scenery from his new office window in Cambridge (half of the time lah..). Mak punyer pulak??? Nampak dinding jah!!! **nanges...matilaa penjara!

Oh did I mention he has got another offer from his company as well - to do job in another division of the company but had he accepted this offer, we'd have moved completely to the Netherlands which I am not so keen on! (Though he'd get even more payrise in Euros mind you and the moving to Holland will be paid fully by the company too!).

Okay, perhaps if the company is in Amsterdam, we'd have jumped to the opportunity but this is in Groningen - right in the middle of nowhere in north-west of the country!

AND I don't think I can cope with learning the "berbelit lidah" punyer language... I'd be so pening to learn that, I must say!

To think that I won't be easily getting good jobs for at keast a year or perhaps until I master the language. Okay, the Dutch can speak English well, that's the truth but surely the instructions at the workplace would be in Dutch, right?

Inniewlah bandar Geel yang terletak berdekatan dengan Antwerp (and Brussels too). Aiyyoo mendung yaamat noh?? Ginilah cuaca kat Western Europe...nok hujang sokmo!

This is the main square in the town with that church tersergam indah. It's not quite Haarlem (Netherlands) but this will do... hopefully Avang will get a nice and strategically located apartment in this town!

Patung! Matilaa patung cendana! **matilaa takde kena mengena hiks....

Hmm Antwerp... korang hengat mak nak gi party inniewkah????
**matilaa lohong karang! Amende dok tahu hok lohong tu! :P

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