Sunday, April 20, 2008

Pole Dancing Boys of The Village Pub

Saturday evening - we went off to London together gether dengan anak tiri mak yang chanteque dan anggun ittew (mana lagi kuah takkan tumpah kalau tak ke nasik, hoh?? Matilaaaa mak veranganz! Hiks....) bersama sama juga dengan tunangan yang dinch perlunyer ittew....

Anyway, will story mory about that later but first of all, as usual if we go to London's Soho, haruslah kan weols melachor **ops di The Village Pub inniew to see fit boys strutting their stuff on the bar with the big pole in their hands (and I ain't talkin' about the "pole" in their undies, mind you!!!). Jangan jadik otak kotor!!!

I don't think I have seen any of these guys before.. the regular ones weren't here that night. Wonder if they've gone to toher venue - perhaps in London's Vauxhall area (we're still thinking about going to this area sampling the night life over there....dengar khabar lagi vass dan raunchy...siap ado naked dancing club katanya...**pengsan!)

Mak skerrr janz ni noks....tegar, kekar dan bidang sangat dada dan body dia...**merembsssss. Unfortunately he wore those - he should have worn the skimpy li'l number!

Yang ni pun comel dan nice body but ceklat sangat kaler dia...from Brazil kot hoh??? :P ***abang bartender tu kekarlah! **ops!

Oopsss Pakcik mana pulak ni tetiba shima nak jadi Pole Dancing boy??? Veranganlaa pakcik oiii!!!

Hahaah actually this picture was taken in Heaven night club in London on Saturday night bersempena dengan pre-birthday celebration for anak tiri mak si K ittew.

We had a blast time dancing and singing to the songs including Kylie's new single In My Arms
(absolutely lurveeeeeeeeeeeeeee this song!!!) - this is an instant hit all over Europe at the moment!

"How does it feel in my arms..... how does it feel in my arms....." gitu kata Kylie...

Tapi kalau mak ubah lirik dia...boleh jadi ginilah noks..nanti kalau diorang pasang lagu ni kat mana mana kelab kat seluruh dunia, please say this out loud, nah?? Especially kalau korang BOTTOM!!! LOL

"How does it feel in my arse...... how does it feel in my arse......" gitu kata mak!!!


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