Thursday, February 26, 2009

Oh Vienna!

Guten tag noks! Last night we had arrived safely in the Slovakian capital city and now in the former Austro-Hungarian Empire capital for the very first time in my life! Bandaraya inniew pernah dua kali kena seiged dgn tentera Khalifah Uthmaniyyah, uols! Tu diah pelajaran Sejarah kita hari ini! Will do my best to explore the city whatever the weather.:) come tonight, it's party time! Time to explore the men! ***ops!

Natural History Museum yang sempat mak jelajahi pagi tadi, uols! The weather was mixed - drizzle, sunshine, clouds - but all in all though a tiring day walking everywhere, it´s bloody worth it!!!!

Stephansdom pun mak sempat buat acara panjat memanjat tangga yang berjota jota ittew (matilaaa over the top statement mak!). Yang eloknya kalau nak naik tower dia dan menikmati pemandangan overview of the city, better use the one inside the cathedral itself. Jangan guna hat yang kat tepi gereja ni - sebab dahlah panjat kemain mencungap cungap mak jadiknya, pemandangan pun ala ala kot tingkap ada cermin pulak..pastuh nak beli soivenir pun theyold nan-ado duit kecik??? Motifff macam Malaysia puloks???? **matilaa DQ!

Vienna City Hall building...currently kat depan dia ada tempat nak ice-skating. Mak tak berani, takot patah gigi kepala lutut bagai!!!! ***aiyyooooooo

Also ben to Hapsburg palace complex, a few churches (yang siap ado upacara sembahyang Jemaat diorang kat sittew....mak tak semayang sekali ngan diorang lah pantat! Kau hengat mak ni Lina Joy kaaaa??? ***lariiiiiiiiiiiiiii)

Next to visit are that ferris wheels, the Scönbrunn Palace and a few others...yang fasti, kawasan kawasan pelahchoran akan kieww jejaki jua!

Auf wiedersehen!

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