Noks, inniewlah emel paling latest mak dapat from Air Asia X menerusi Azran CEO. Mak memang nak berterimakasih atas usahnya ittew tapi hopefully memang diorang akan buatlah sesuatu kan..bukan sebut je :)
"Dear ****,
Our investigation on your case concluded that it was human error on the part of the handling agent who processed your booking and did not key in your pre-purchased meals into the system properly. The agent was relatively new, and did not follow proper procedures for last minute meal orders, as we rarely have cases of passengers coming to Stansted to purchase tickets from Aviance. Meals require an additional process to inform the caterer of last minute orders. I suppose we very rarely have people purchasing last minute at the airport.
The agent has been counselled and sent for refresher training. On our part, we’re trying to implement a new system to remind passengers at check-in to reconfirm that all of their pre-purchase meals and comfort kits are identified on the boarding pass – to avoid problems on-board the aircraft. If there are any problems, it should be addressed at the check-in counter.
Once again, please accept my apologies for the inconvenience caused.
Kind regards,
Azran Osman-Rani
AirAsia X Sdn Bhd
LCC Terminal, Jalan KLIA S3,
Southern Support Zone, KLIA,
64000 Sepang, Selangor Darul Ehsan,
Ada beberapa perkara yang mak masih tak dapat penjelasan from Air Asia:
1) Kenapa royanan mak dalam blog Air Asia tidak di publish?
2) Adakah Air Asia akan buat protokol baru on-flight kalau kalau benda yang sama berlaku lagi? I mean, will they tend the need of the customer first then to consult their "books"?
Apa apa pun mak memang berterima kasih kerna beliau menjawab beberapa persoalan hati mak, leyy?? Also weols dok menunggu lagi nieh duit £22 yang dah diorang kata akan bayar balik kat weols. Mrasa! Up to 30 working days katanya.....
p/s mak kalau boleh bukan aje refresher training diorang kena buat, yang kat Stansted tu kena tukar orangnya lagi. Dah tak guna pompuan celaka kat belakang meja ittew! Rasainnn!!!
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