"pemandangan yang chanteque tak semestinya perjalanan juga menarik!" - Cleeopatah Novotny
There's a few things I'd like to say about Air Asia X. I experienced it. My first time ever from London to KL. Will I purchase their tickets again? Read my story:
First of all congratulations to Air Asia X sebab berjaya buat penerbangan direct London-KL dan cheaper option as well; nak nak kalau last minute punyer decision. In my case that day yes, it was a last minute decision.
Cuma nak banding harga tiket masa mak nak balik hari tu (26th June 2009):
1) MAS (LHR-KUL-LHR): Around £860.00 incl. meals, entertainment and baggage handling fees.
2) Qatar Airways: £466.00 all inclusive. Very cheap but not a good option for me as I want to be back in Malaysia as soon as possible then!
3) Air Asia X (STN-KUL-STN): £571.00 including purchased set meal (on way back only - masa nak ke KL dah terlambat nak beli katanya) and administration fee (beli kat kiosk desk kat Stansted). This did not include baggage handling fee nor entertainment. Which was fine by me as mak balik lenggang kangkong and my mind was busy thinking things daripada nak menyebok nak tengok filim dalam flight!
So I chose Air Asia X instead. Within 4 hours, the plane will depart Stansted. Very convenient as I live 30 minutes drive from Stansted Airport and they have the flight at 1.00am compare to MAS which only have the next day. Pastu nak gi Heathrow lagi..oh no..no.no! A big bloody NO!
Note: I was in a hurry as my dad passed away that day. Hence yang tergesa gesa ni!
So belilah I tiket ittew from Aviance kiosk at Stansted. Actually masa dok beli tu dah ada bibit bibit sangsi dengan keberkesanan kerja pompuan nama Paula belakang desk ittew. dah lah print-out untuk mak pun macam kerja kerja budak tadika! Ntah ntah budak tadika lening lagi pandai, uolss!
Penerbangan 26th June 2009 to LCCT was good. Though no entertainment and that I had to buy my own meals on flight, I wasn't complaining; plenty of rooms in my seat. You see, the flight was not even full. Lovely! I had two seats just for myself. Great!
On the way back, now this was the real problem. Came the time for meals to be served.
"Will all the passengers who had booked their meals to show their boarding pass tickets to the cabin staff"
Gitulah lebih kurang bunyi announcement sebelum anak anak kapal heret trolleys down the alleys on that very Airbus flight.
Bila dah sampai kat mak, I showed them my ticket and guess what, my ticket did not have the "code" of the "meal I purchased" a week earlier nor the cabin staff's print-out list in their hands have any meals against my name on it!
*******How on earth should I know what these "codes" on tickets mean anyway?????
I was shocked. How could that be? I bought it last time and I even have a receipt to prove it
Guess what?
The cabin staff told me the meal purchased should not have been written down on that receipt anyway; only "baggage handling fees" can!
Again, how the hell should I know this or that rule?????
Clearly Air asia X management did not train their so-called representative at Stansted Airport properly!!!!!!
I was not amused and nor was I in the mood of making a scene! But with the help of one Malaysian Chinese guy who sat next to me (he claimed he had helped Tony Fernandez and Air Asia X a lot in making business deals. I only knew his name was Mr Lim. used to work with Sime Darby), we asked the staff to talk to his supervisor.
Unfortunately his supervisor could not come in person and talk to me directly as he/ she's busy with other passengers.
XL Passengers I suppose???? Privileged ones unlike me who only seated in Economy Class! (issued by that dizzy cow from Aviance desk).
So this other cabin crew told me again that he's sorry he could not help me but asked me to go and see ground staff member when we finally arrive in Stansted Airport to lodge my complain.
I did ask him however, would it not okay for Air asia X just to give me at least one pot of Maggie Mee instant noodles knowing that I have already paid for my meal a week before (from my receipt)? At least lah kan.... takkan lah tu pun tak boleh. Kata Malaysia Boleh????
Hmmm sampai tak sudah, diorang tak nak bagi nyer kat mak walau satu pot Meggi yang secuek kecik ittew! Air pun diorang tak nak offer! What kind of service is this?
Tahulah kamu tu low-cost airlines tapi bertolak ansur lah dengan penumpang. This was my first ever experience with Air asia x and franklys peaking, I'd rather go all the way to Heathrow (2 hours journey) and board that MAS flight back to KLIA which in my opinion, is more convenient for it's transportation than the busy and noisy and kelam kabut LCCT ittew! I even, next time, don't mind either to use Emirates or Qatar Airways or Etihad even if that means I have to endure transit in those foreign countries for a few hours.
****nak guna lagi Air Asia X??? Kena pikir beratus ratus kali kot????
Anyway, I finally landed in Stansted. It's already nearly 12.00am. I was already tired. The very next day I had to catch a very early flight in Luton Airport to Malta (3 hours flight). I went to the Air Asia X check-in desk to meet one of the ground staff. Unfortunately none of them were available as the passengers for the next flight to KL were already queueing up to check-in.
I was not ready to queue as well that late! What with being hungry and tired!
Anyway I had lodged a complaint on Air Asia's website. Akan dihubungi dalam masa 3 hari katanya. Well, we'll see about it.
Mak dah mintak macam macam tu - mintak explanation kenapa semua nak ikut buku (other than ordinary, terus itu tak boleh, ini tak boleh!) dan mintak refund £7.00 meal, £15 admin fee (sebab apa guna admin fee kalau buat kerja pun macam bangang!) and most of all, mak jugak mintak balik £255 flight ticket from KL back to Stansted sebab obviously I was really angry, stressed and hungry on that whole journey.
Air Asia X, I need you EXPLANATION and REFUND!
Tu diah, I have said it!
p/s oh satu lagi lupa nak MEROYAN kat sini. To make matter worse, my seat's reading light was not functioning. I complained as I read books on planes now. AND what did I get? Only an apology. Apology is good BUT that's not enough! The flight was not that full..why on earth did any of them not offer me a new seat????????????
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