The good thing about this programme is that it informed us about all you need to know about how pornography does not equal to sex education. Most people involved are teenage students and these teenage students/ pupils memang terang terang belajar hal-ehwal seks ni melalui pornography. Siyal kan??? Katanya as young as kids aged 11 years old dosi melayari porno. Scary stats indeed! It does not help that kids as young as 5 years old have their own TV and computer in their rooms!
The host of the show -Anna Richardson. She's very funny and witty lah uolss..mak skerr! Bors bors ngan anak anak ikan teenagers dalam program ittew dengan bersahaja sangatz!
Some interesting surveys they've done for the show (UK only):
1) 42% of teenagers have had unprotected sex
2) Young people account for half of the newly diagnosed STI's (Sexually transmitted infections)
3) Porn is a £1B a year industry in the UK (banyak duit woooooo boss porno nih!)
4) 60% of teenagers believe porn influences sexual activity (ye lah, dah tak tahu mana nak cari sex ed, porn lah jawabnya!).
5) The most common STIs are (in order) Syphyllis, Gonorrhea (that can cause infertility), Herpes, Genital warts (with 90,000 new cases every year) and the most common now is - Chlamydia (nearly 122,000 new cases every year) !!!! remember, Chlamydia has no symptoms uolsss!!! It infects 50% of men and 70% of women.
6) 1 in 10 teenagers already has Chlamydia!!!!
Menakotkan!!!! So selalu lah rerajin pergi klinik jumpa doktor uols!!!
This one is from the last of the series (Episode 4) this time around featuring this not bad looking guy. Kalau nak tengok lagi gegambar TAK SOPAN TAK BERADAB dia, silah klik sinih! Mrasa!
AMARAN: Photos of male nudity. Kalau kau yang suka menyalak kat sinniew tak suka benda benda cenggini, jangan nak menggatal nak tengok! Mak dah bagi amaran nih!
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