Dusseldorf's mighty Rhine River
Wondering where we've been during our 4-days long weekend getaway? Starting from Dover to Calais all the way to Brussels (last minute decision nih!) then off to Dusseldorf and to a small town called Haan (Germany). Moving towards Cologne for a few hours before staying overnight in a small town in Belgium called Geel. We finished off our European tour with a visit to evergreen everlasting Brugges in Belgium.All in all Avang had done sooooo good by driving us around about 800 miles + kot hoh? Thanks a lot Avang for the great weekend!!!!
**nanti bila mak dosi habes berkabung kerna Avang tinggalkan mak selama dua minggu lebih, akan mak update lagi dengan more stories naaa..buat masa sekarang, biarkanlah mak dengan tudung labuci ber-lace-kan warna hitam dan cermin mata rayban Playboy oso warna hitam, bleyy???

Brussels, Belgium

Haan, Germany
Cologne, Germany

Geel, Belgium

Brugges, Belgium
Tu diah..gegeh tak gegeh weols meronda ronda merambu ramba **matilakau Noorshila Amin! around Western Europe! Nak gi jejauh lagi tiada upaya lah noks; choti choti tak mengizinkan kekdahnya!
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