Oh well, tak mengapa sebab baru tadi mak masuk Bodypump class and guess what, the new Bodypump regime is absolutely fabulous! Great tracklist to work your body to and lots and lots of hard work as well!
Ye lah, dosi bayar nak masuk gym tiap tiap bulan, eloklah pergi kan?? Bukan macam orang ittew, liat yaamat nak pi lening! :P **matilaakan Miss Alasan Cik Abang!
Here are the tracklist:
1. Walk Away - Tony Moran & Kristine W
--- 5kg weight on each side of the bar. This should be a warm-up. As usual, lots of combinations of movements of what to come!
2. More Than A Feeling - Rockout!
--- Triple the weight (or perhaps more if you can..if not, just double your warm-up weight). Of courselah kan, I did triple! This is using the biggest muscle group so that's why the largest weight! Lots and lots of bottom-half squats! Absolutely achingly brilliant!
3. In Love With You - Freestyler
--- This is the track holding your bar as far apart as possible on the bench (Bench Press). I usually used 7.5 kg weight on each side but we were recommended to go down a bit. So, I did 6.5kg instead. I soon knew why! Lots of combinations of double and single presses!
4. See The Light - Paradise
--- This is a clean and press track. Lots of single bar-bell bent over row. AND a combination of 6 clean and press regimes (usually only 4 at a time!).
5. Hungry - INXS
--- Triceps Extension regime among others BUT begins with Tricep Dips with a weight on your thighs! Great workout! I use 5 kg weight for extensions while sitting on the bench and 6.5kg weights on each side of bar for extensions when laying on bench.
6. Hey Everybody (feat. Kurtis Blow & Max C) - Bomfunk MC's
--- Bicep Curl. After the short break, we were recommended to put on additional weight on each side of the bar - oh yes, I bravely put 2.5 kg more (in addition to 5kg already on each sides!). This is a killer but worth it - you could see your biceps bulging!
7. The Sun Always Shine On TV - Milk Inc.
--- A new regime is by doing forward & back stepping lunges. I put double warm-up weights on each side of bar to begin the regime.
8. Keep Your Hands Off My Girl - Good Charlotte
--- For shoulders. Starts with lifting the bars in front of you near to your body (warm-up weights should be sufficient). After that, lateral raise & shoulder press (using 2.5kg weight on each hands).
9. Here Comes The Hotstepper - Ini Kamoze!
--- For Abs!
10. Hurt - Christina Aguilera
--- Cool-down track and a well-deserved one too!
All in all, I enjoyed this new Bodypump regime very very much! Mrasa mak pergi tiga kali seminggu noh?? :P
Nanti mak cerita ceriti fasal weekend..... mrasa tengok gambar ni dulu!
kann....mrasa Melayu Terlampau mana ntuh dok pose pose Brad Pitt *
* Brad Pitt - Arm Pit - Ketiak! **mujur ketiak dinch bervulus!
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