Anyway...will story mory about that soon. Berbaloi sangat! *ops!
Merasa lah korang spekurama beramai ramai LOL.....
So tomorrow is our last day in this biggest island in Thailand; while I am going for an island hopping experience (Khai Islands...not Phi Phi or Phang-Nga Bay this time as time is not on my side), Avang will stay around the hotel area perhaps doing his work. Plus, I don't think he'll be waking up as early as me tomorrow for my half-day island hopping trip of snorkelling and boat-riding! ***melahchor tak hengat lagi lah tu malam ni..dahlah malam semalam and malam sebelumnya, ya hamponnnnnn berderu dia dok dikerumun Thai boys :P ***mrasa mak lah karang jadik ibu MeiMei kan Makji Eton, kan??? :P
Anyway the above photo is one of the few things yang menyemarakkan lagi night-life kat Phuket inniew - drag queen show lah apo laei..merasa Akak Leona Lewis pun ado, noks!!!! Nanti mak letak lagi gambar bebanyak noh?
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