Tuesday, November 18, 2008

At Last! Thank F***!

For goodness sake...after more than a month at this new address, baru sahajork this week weols dapat benda alah inniew:

The SKY Broadband router!!!!!

Thank F**K for that!!! After all that HELL we've been through with BT (yes, the BRITISH institution that is British Telecom!!!!) - the incompetence of their operators on the other line and the stupidity of their computer system!

Tup tup, lepas daripada BT operator tuh cakap weols takkan dapat punyer broadband sebab weols dok kawasan jauh daripada "exchange", bila weols koling Sky people, theyols cakap weols berada di kawasan yang faling bagus untuk broadband sampai boleh dapat maksima 16 Mps katanya!

So sapa yang menipu nih?? Bangang kepala hotak punyer British Telecom!

p/s Kata jah BRITISH telecom tapi yang tukang jawab nyer puak puak Kelly direct dari Benua Kelly puloks!!!! Haiyoooo kosser!

We will see if we can get a faster broadband connection or not this Friday sebab hari ittewlah Sky akan start switch-on our broadband connection.

Mak dah pun koling Avang (Avang kat luar negara skang) untuk mintak tunjuk ajar how to ensure my laptop boleh berkomunikasi dengan router machine nih. AND it works!!! Thx Avang for the tunjuk ajar miewww ittew melalui talian kasih malam tadi (voley??).

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