Monday, June 30, 2008

Princess Tak Patah Gemertap

Kan hari tu mak tanya sapa empunya sarung kaki rainbow ittew??? Sinful was right menyatakan bahawa dia ialah sapa lagi kalau tak si Princess Mikey ittew.... syabas uols..tapi maaflah kalau mak nak share dia ni ngan uolsss...**matilaaa tamak!

Entahlah mak pun dinch hoi kenapa dia panggey dirinya Princess walaupun pada hakikatnya dia takdelah patah gemertap pun!

Oh well, maybe sebab dia pun masih hadek hadek ala ala anak ikan pun nak berangan lah skett kot hoh?

Anyway sebenornya bila mak cakap dia nak rekindle balik ngan mak ni bukan apa. Tetiba jah hari tu dia mesej kat mak cakap dia nak gambar mak vogel katanya. Haiyooo dalam hati mak memang rasa macam dia ni biar betul, kan? Karang tak cukup tanah pulak nak lari bila dapat gegambar mak ittew! Hiks....

So mak sengaja jah ngada ngada cakap kat dia soh dia datang umah mak dan tangkap gambar mak sendiri guna camera dia. Terkejut mak bila dia cakap dia sett je. Just tell him bila dan waktu... mak pun apa lagi, suka hatilah kan??? :P

Kannn..malu malu pulak bila mak ambik gambar dia masa kat Rose & Crown weekend baru nih.

Masalahnya (well, bukan masalah besar pun pada dia) dia dosi ada boyfriend budak Pinoy katanya. Malam tu kat pub pun mak sempat senyum dan jumpa boyfriend dia.

Uols nak tahu tak, sentipz jugak nampaknya si pinoy tu bila dia ternampak si Princess nih dok berdirty dancing dan pegang pegang mak barang sekejap masa dok ronggeng ronggeng ittew....


Mak sempat mesej kat si Princess nih hari tu cakap tak mengapa kah si pinoy tu dinch hoi fasal si Princess nak jumpa mak having fun bagai nieh??? Open relationship kah?

Si Princess cakap si pinoy tu tak perlu hoi pun! So bagi dia, ianya tak mengapa!

Hmm apa apa lah labu..yang fenting uols gembira dan takde sapa yang sakit hati pasnih, kan?

Yang faling penting, mak akan mrasa lagi lemangnya yang sedap ittew (tapi ad-dinchlah sesedap lemang Abang Lemang Bubblebutt!!!!).....

Tapi tu pun bilalah masa yang sesuai nak jumpa dia ni...memasing bz dengan kerjaya katanya...miss alasan sangat!

Jangan lepas nih dia mintak mak tutjubs dia udahler..mrasa lagi mak jadi next TOP model pulak!!!! **pengsan!!!!!!

p/s mak ni dinch sempat pun nak cerita sexcapades masa kat Cruising Canyon di Milan with beberapa janz termasuk abang Perancis yang hangat..... dan suasana sawana Metro Milan - termasuk mak terkena "rogol" dengan pakcik hazzab!!!! Adehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Photos of Bello Milanese

Oh uols, tu lah, cerita kat Milan pun belum habes habes lagi..... cerita weekend kat twon mak ni pun mak belum cerita panjang lagi (no lah, no cghuranz nor menyundzz this time; no time katanya!)

Memang ada offer nak jumpa Abang Lemang Bubblebutt actually on Sunday tapi weols busy lah noks.... melepas lah pulak, kan?? :( Sedeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Anyway, let's tengok gegambar mamarazzi Milan dua minggu lepas...

Terbaring di bawah cahaya mentari terik. kalau mak lah no way jose sebab hari tu memang panas giler around 32 Celcius! Ni jenih kulit kerbau kot??????

Dia ni mak sempat snappy snappy sambil berjalan ngan seorang elderly person. Sugar daddy kah????? :P

Owhhh abg Italiano hansuari...tapi sayangnya ada accessory sebelah dia tu..mencikkkkk!! You lucky bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Hat ni memang kekar sungguh... mak rasa ada campuran Italiano dengan North Africa kot. Ada lagi gambar dia nih...nanti mak letak lagi naaaaaaaa????

Commiseration to the German team for losing Euro 2008. So close yet so far!!! BUT Spain deserved to win kan? Congrats to Spain! Even mak rasa Turki lagi deserve masuk final kot??? TAPI mak nak Podolski!!!!!!!!!!!!!! **matilaa kedaung yaamatz!!!

p/s Hari ni weols akan menghadiri upacara pengkebumian mendiang bapa sister in law Avang. maknanya mak akan kena ambik separuh hari cuti hari ni. BUT this weekend weols akan ke PARIS!!!! Yay!!!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Siapa Ni Saiful Bukhari

Sekali lagi suasana politik Malaysia digemparkan dengan berita "seorang pemimpin parti politik" di dakwa telah meliwat seorang pembantunya.

Mak masa semalam dah dok meneka neka sapalah pulak kali ni kena tuduh meliwat nih? Takkan DS Anwar lagi kot? Pastu, tak masuk akal kalau Pak Lah mahupun TG Haji Abd Hadi yang kena tuduh!

Nampaknya teka teki dalam kepala benak mak terjawab jugak sebab buka bukak je Utusan Meloya dan sebagainya - terteralah nama pemimpin politik tersebut.

Sapa lagi kalau tak DS Anwar Ibrahim! Aiyoyoooo kena tuduh meliwat lagi like in 1998!

Mak tak nak cakap apa apa tapi yang fenting sapa dia yang menuduh DS Anwar liwat dia nih?

Mak risik risik nama dia Saiful Bukhari..dengar khabar dia pernah bekerja dengan DS Najib dulu..katanyalah..I am not sure. So ada kena mengenakah dengan ni? Konspirasi DS Najib nak jatuhkan DS Anwar??? I have no idea!

Yang fenting, mak pening kepala dan DS Anwar dah pun buat statement dalam blog dia ittew....

Tapi there's a possibility DS Anwar akan ditangkap lepas ni kot.... I have no idea!

Uols cuba tengok Saiful Bukhari ni (tak perlu mak cakap hat mana satu sebab nampak sangat dah!)

ADEK ADEK sangat!!!!! Haiyyooooooooooooooooo

Malam Harum Sundal Malam Katanya!

Lepas weols tengok Big Brother eviction night (yess..90.2% of British audience had voted Sylvia out!!! Your best mate is gone, Jennifer!!! Teach that attention seeking bitch!), weols trusss ke city centre untuk beronggeng ronggenganz...

Kalau ada orang inniew menyunddd katanya, mak pun menyunddd jugeks kaedahnya, voley???

Matilaaaaa sindrom akak akak tanak kalah katanya!

Indahnya dunia...mak soh jah jantan bukak baju, diorang bukak truss truss jah tanpa soal jawab :P Sempat pulak girlfriend dia yang dua orang tu nak "tawarkan" dia kepada mak.. nak jadi makayam kaedahnya!!! **pitam!

Ermmm perluker cikki Michelle ni nak menyundd ngan mak..kosser!!!! :P Naahh she's a nice girl really.

Hmmm tastelah ngan James hat pakai cermin mata ni..mesra alam tak mak ngan James???? Owhhh James.................... LOL

Ni sapa punyer socks yang kalerful rainbow nih??? Well empunya diri ialah skendel mak yang mak pernah paparkan dalam blog mak ni dulu...dah lama tak ber"sukaria antara pusat dan lutut" ngan dia ni in the process nak rekindle balik kununnya! :P

Nantilah mak cerita lagi dalam masa yang terdekat nah???

Heyyyy sarung kaki ala ala cikpon tak semestinya dia nih BOTTOM patah gemertap!!!! :P

p/s Anyone who is missing on the link of those raunchy photos of live sex show in Milan, please click here! Grazie!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Big Brother Breaking News - Dennis Is Gone!

Yes, it had been confirmed Dennis The Only Gay In The Village had been removed from the Big Brother house following an incidence between him and fellow housemate, Mohamed which resulted in Dennis SPAT on Mohamed's face!

More to follow soon...

Oh and I forgot to show you the brand new housemate replacing that vile Alexandra last week - Stuart a.k.a laki alam maya Puan Zaiton! :P

Stuart yang merembess bodynyer..tapi hati mak tetap pada Dale! Lushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hollyoaks- They Finally Know

This is for those who follows Hollyoaks on Channel4. The Revelation of The Year I'd say...

So, the truth has come out NOT in the way these two love birds were hoping for. It was all down to Evil Niall who tried to jeapordise every McQueens' lives in Hollyoaks.

This time Evil Niall had an opportunity to ensure Myra McQueen (JP's mum) know who JP is seeing after all these times in another word - the mystery man JP is being seeing!

Little does she know that the very man she's been confiding in for all her problems is the very guy that only son been seeing - in a form of a Catholic Church priest i.e the dishy Father Kieran!

So the relationship was revealed when Evil Niall deliberately asked Myra to go back to his house to get Father Kieran's papers for the wedding (Max & Steph's wedding but I won't go into this!). He actually also deliberately took those papers from Father Kieran's coat and put them neatly in Kieran's bedroom where JP was still sleeping soundly.

So Myra came over to the house not unknowingly the evil intention of Evil Niall (using his house key) and walked into Father Kieran's bedroom. Fortunatley JP had already woken up and hit the shower.

Myra got those papers and suddenly saw a pile of clothes on Kieran's bed. Looked familiarly similar of his son's!!!!

AND at the same time, JP entered the bedroom after finishing the shower....

That's it, Myra put two and two together and just walked out in disbelief and speechless!

JP tried to talk to his mother but she just walked away....

AND that's it...he tried to call Kieran to warn him about Myra but of course as a busy man on the wedding day (he'll marry Max & Steph) he would switch off his phone!

Myra and the McQueen clans eventually were at the wedding (but not JP). She was still in a state of shock and visibly sad about all this.

Her son with a priest??? It's bad enough last year knowing his son had turned his straight best friend GAY!

JP finally arrived at the wedding when Kieran already had conducted the ceremony. He sat behind his mother and tried to talk to her but she became very very sad indeed..tears flowing from her eyes.

In the heat of the moment she shouted "You call yourself a man of God??.... you slept with my son!"

The people in the church was shocked by this revelations. Kieran was visibly shaken and could not conduct the ceremony.

Myra and one of her daughter fled the church and went home - in a total state of shock! JP followed them..

So what's next between JP & Kieran..only time will tell.

I heard a rumour that Father Kieran's gonna die..oh my God!!! Poor JP!!!!

He's already told Myra later that he loves Kieran!

JP (John-Paul) & Father Kieran - the story of the forbidden love

The moment Myra (JP's mother) knew the reality of his son's relationship with Father Kieran. (JP is soooo lush! Hiks....)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Milano Trip Part 3 - Live Sex Show

Kannn.....mrasa mak sempat snappy snappy gegambar live sex show di X Club Milan ittew... merembesss uolss!!! Nak nak si TOP ittew sangatlah hansuari!!! Shima pulak mak nak join in tapi takot pulak kena penampar jopun ke hapa ke, tak ke naya?

Tapi kan masa dok tengok live sex show ittew, tetiba adalah a couple or two guys also dok buat diorang punyer own version of live sex show...

Sangatlah tak perlu!!! Haiyoo potong stim jah! Non per me, grazie!

Tapi mak takdelah nak snappy gambar theyols ittew tengah buat kan..kang tak cukup plastik kosong pulak nak isi muntah uols karang! :P

Pakcik tak perlu pakai baju pink ni pun satu - ntuh brapa kali ntuh asik berdiri depan depan weols yang tengah asyik masyuk saksikan show ittew...very der rude tawww!!! Ketepilah pakcik tua oiii!!!

p/s of course the next photos will be without him!!! Sangatlah tak perlu! Dasar brutto e vecchio!

Hmmm tengah buat hapa tu dalam gelap nieh???

Nak tengok lagi???


Tapi amaranlah of sexual nature!

Ciao and enjoy!

p/s Apa apa pun, mi e piaciuto molto! Mrasa translate nah??? :P

AND usually after this main show, they'll go to the other room and let everyone to play with them - as they wish - voley??? Cikloi kaa..cikcap kaaa...even tutjubs pun voley lah! Tapi not this time..dunno why??

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Milano Trip Part 2 - Kesah Melayu Terlampau

Mak sebagai spy dan pemberita majalah Mesti-kah telah berjaya merangkap beberapa peritiwa yang berlaku terhadap seorang Melayu Terlampau di Eropah inniew semasa beliau dan boyfriendnya di Milan baru baru inniew. Gegeh kan mak mengejar ngejar Melayu Terlampau inniew..... buat bahan nak masuk dalam blog dan Mesti-kah kaedahnya, leyy???

AMARAN: Cerita berkisar kisah terlampau seorang Melayu Terlampau. Tolong jangan proceed kalau rasa nak muntah baca cerita cenggini!

Pada mulanya memang dalam memasuki kelab ittew (X Club) non-ado kaedahnya; non-merries malah Melayu Terlampau inniew pun sempat diusha dan telah dipegang pegang oleh seorang pakcik hazzab yang dinch perlu semasa duduk releks releks sambil memerhati jejanz yang elok untuk dibuat bahan mainan antara pusat dan lutut! **ops!

Dalam dok dapat tak dapat tu sempat beliau bermesra mesraan dengan sorang janz Italiano inniew. Not bad nampak gayanya; malah sempat masuk bilik privasi dan tak sampai dua minit kot beliau mencikloi janz ittew, tetiba beliau dosi kena tutjubs. DAN tak sampai tiga minit kena tutjubs sambil berdiri dari belakang ittew, janz Italiano ittew dosi cikcut dos!

Hamboii cepatnya..sexcited yaamat kah?

Mak rasa Melayu Terlampau ittew dinch putus harapan - masih banyak masa terluang untuk churanz!

Lepas ittew semasa dok memerhatikan live sex show, beliau sempat pula bermesraan dengan sorang janz Italiano yang lain. Sambil perhati sex show, sambil meraba raba dan bercommolot piula kelihatan mereka berdua inniew... gedik sangat! Mencikkk!!! :P

Tapi nampaknya perhubungan sementara mereka ittew tak ke mana pun sebab janz Italiano ittew kena balik pulak... dah boifren si Italiano tu dah ajak dia balik!

Nampaknya Melayu Terlampau ittew masih tidak putus masa beliau dok nak churanz semula ittew, tetiba seorang janz tall, dark, handsome and very fit body menyapa nya dengan Italian accentnyer yang bisa mencairkan seluruh tubuhnya....

Seingat mak, dia dok sebut sebut perkataan "Belissimo, Bello" beberapa kali..... maka cair teruslah kan Melayu Terlampau ittew! Kununnya!

Mula mula mereka menuju ke bar - nampaknya mereka berdua nak minum dulu kot tapi tak lama mereka di sittew, mereka dosi beredar ke sebuah bilik privasi.

Leceh betul! Cemana mak nak tengok ni kan, uols???

Tak mengapa, mak ado peralatan serba boleh, maka sempatlah mak merakamkan temu bual mereka berdua (gambar tak berapa menjadi sebab lighting suram kat sittew! Sentapz!).

Semasa mereka berdua ittew dok asik berasmara dana dan meramas lelemang memasing, maka tetiba terkejutlah Melayu Terlampau ittew kerna si Italiano ittew meminta dan merayu rayu berkali kali agar dia di tutjubs walaupun beberapa kali juga si Melayu Terlampau ittew mengatakan yang dia ialah BOTTOM dan tak mungkin akan menge-TOP untuk kali inniew (maybe sebab shima nak kena tutjubs dengan tall dark handsome guy inniew kot hoh??).

Akhirnya si Melayu Terlampau mengaku kalah dan cuba untuk menutjubs si Italiano inniew secara missionary. Mungkin 4 kali kot percubaan untuk menutuh tapi gagal, uols! Memalukan!! LOL

TAPI kali ke lima tetiba Melayu Terlampau ittew merasa ghairah piula what with dapat mencikcap at the same time lemang garganz si Italiano ittew... hampir hampir dia cikcut tang tu jugak... tu diah, tu baru 10 kali hayunan..kalau 100 kali, tak ke Melayu Terlampau ittew akan terus kering kontang??? **ops!

***matiker mak dok mengira berapa kali dok menghayun sorong tarik ittew??? **larik!!!!!!!!!!

So sesambil menghayun, sesambil ittew beberapa kali mereka bercommolot dan si Italiano mencikcapkan dirinya sendiri.

Dah kedaung yaamat, maka tercikcutlah si MT ittew (mak letak MT jah..malas dah nak menaip pepanjang! **matilaa DQ!).... tapi si Italiano tetap nak MT menutjubs lagi..haiyyoooo perluker beri betis nak peha kaedahnya?? :P

Dalam MT nak bersiap sedia dah nak pakai baju seluar semua ittew, sempat lagi si Italiano nak bermesra mesra lagi...masih kedaungkah??? Ye kot..dia pun dinch cikcut lagi tu hah!

Rupanya dia ado boifren dan boifren dia pun seorang oriental jugak uols (tapi takdelah chanteque mana pun!!! **matilaa molot hanjeng!).

Last last boifren si Italiano ni jugak yang nak soh si Italiano ni bals bals umah ikut dia...laa rupa rupanya mengintip jugak noh?? Hahahaha matilaa peeping Tom!

I am sure si MT ni very der terkejut sebab dia boleh menutjubs that night dan rasa sedap pulak menutjubs Italiano fit ittew...aiyoo jangan dia bertukar selera nak jadik the next TOP gayah udahler...**pengsan!

Kann....sentapz gambar separuh separuh pulak..gambar lemang tak menjadi kaedahnya!!! **nanges!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

David Beckham's Armani Ad

Well, it wasthe Fashion Week in Milan actually when we both were there tapi seperti biasa mak dinch pun masuk catwalk bagai; haruzlah kan sebab mak demand tinggi tinggi....

"If it's below £50,000, you can foregt it honey!"

Gittew kununnya kata kata mak..hahaha matilaa verangan supermodel kunun! :P are some photos..lepas penat bermundar mandir window shopping di Galleria Vittorio Emanuele yang vass ittew....

Interior design of Galleria Vittorio Emanuele.... amazing architecture!

Weols tetiba ternampak advert billboard ni pulak! Mak teruss teruja nak snappy snappy!!!

Mak rasa mak tak pernah pun nampak advert camni kat UK...anybody like to differ? Please comment nah???

David Beckham with his oblong schlong hahahhahaha... very nice!!! I supposed he's one of the Britain's best export!

Tapi mak musykil kenapa advert ni theyols letak kat kawasan tak berapa strategik? Should be somewhere in the Quadrilatera d'Oro yang penuh dengan designer shops ittew ataupun kat Piazza Duomo itself... ni main letak kat simpang mana ntah kat tengah tengah kota Milan nih! **sentipz!

***matiklaa mak pulak yang sentipz..bukan the Beckhams!

Siaran Tergendala Sebentar

Uols, maafin mak kerna dalam sibuk sibuk mak nak hapdate cerita ceriti fasal X Club Milano ittew, tetiba Webstats Motigo mak yg dok calculate who comes in my blog ittew tetiba jadik felik dan revert to only 10 people and keep static at 00:59 hours!

Mak sentapz! mak dosi e-mail the management and hopefully they will resolve this matter as soon as possible.

Frankly speaking I have no idea what's going on....

Last time I saw at around 1.30pm or so, my visitors peaked at 420 or so... but suddenly around 4.00pm or so, jadik only 10 visitors balik??? Felik bin ajaib!

Once this is resolved, I'll resume my story in Milan.

Arrividerci bambinos!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Milano Trip Part 1

Kann...dah mula dah ber-part part kununnya..ntah jadik entah idak nanti buat entry ni sampai habes! Hat yang India hari tu pun kalau uols perasan, tu pun dinch habes habes lagi... takat Jaipur jah..hat Agra and last day kat Delhi pun terbengkalai! Aishah sangat noh mak?? ***ops!

So weols naik Ryanscare, ehh silap, Ryanair from Stansted to Milan's Bergamo Orio Al Serio Airport on Friday afternoon. The journey was not bad - took us two hours to reach Bergamo. Sesampai jah Bergamo, mak oiiii panas gilbabs uols.. ala ala 30 Celcius plus gittew...rasa macam balik kampung pulok doh!

Pesawat Ryanscare (ya hamponnn!) weols on Friday afternoon. Murs murs uols...tu yang dinch kisah yaamat tu!

This was the baby boy (18 months old) yang mak ala ala dok berhu-ha dengannya much of the duration of the flight. Kiut sangat dan seronok bergurau ngan mak..hiks.... baby Italiano nih.

Some part of the journey served a few spectacular views of Swiss Alps and this was one of them! As uols can see, tak banyak pun seno kat pergunungan inniew..dosi cair kot hoh..dah summer summer nih!

Dah sampai hotel dan bersiap siap bagai, we went to this fine restaurant frequented by the residence of the hotel we're staying. Price? Not Gorgeous! This was my dinner - Seafood Pizza! Siap ado sotong and udang! Lazatzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!! **matilaaa besar gedabak...maka besar gedabaklah abdomen mak malam ittew (nak churanz kunun!)

Ni apa kes??? Hiks..nanti mak letak bebanyak gambar hat yang ni nah? Mak sempat snappy snappy gambar live sex show kat X Club Milano ittew..merembesss sundelzz!!!

Oh apa lagi yang berlaku kat X Club ittew??? Well, ada lah kan sekor
Melayu Terlampau nih (sapa tataw?? Hiks........) kena tutjubs satu hal..pastuh ada jantan Italiano fit merayu rayu pulak untuk ditutjubskan oleh si Melayu Terlampau inniew... tu diah, sampai merayu rayu noh?? Kau tak pengsan?????

So ittewlah part 1.... balik from X Club malam ittew pun pukul 3.30am kaedahnya.... mrasa gegeh churanz tak hengat noh??? **ya hamponnnnnnnnnnnnn

Arrividerci Milano, Ciao Londres!

Ha-ah mak baru bals bals ni uols...very tiring weekend indeed but we've done a hell of a lot!

Yes we did tour Como Lago (Lake Como) but NO we did not see kelibat mahupun bayang bayang si George Clooney ittew...

The weekend was certainly very hot in Italy reaching 33 degrees Celcius!!!! rasa macam balik malaysia pulok doh, uols! ***matilamak itang lengit macam bontot kuali dos!

Kekgi mak update lagi, publish photos bagai nah...

Ohhh adakah weols sempat churanz?? Did you need that kinda of question?? Of course we bloody did!!! Crusing Canyon, Metro Sauna & X-Club Milano.... owhhh the horny Italian men!!!! **ops!!!

Arrividerci bambinos!!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Ashley Olsen Up or Down!

While some may think that the Olsen's have appalling taste with many referring to them as trolls and bag ladies, but if your one of them...then this blog ain't for you!! If the Olsens are dressed up or down, I'm still mesmerized by their ability to pull of the simplest outfit with such style.
As a big fan of the Olsen twins style, this outfit was no exception. Ashley Olsen was seen in Greenwich Village last week wearing an outfit that was both sophisticated and very sexy. Ashley wore a sheer grey top, Chloe sunglasses and strappy heels teamed an oversized blazer that ended at the same spot where her skirt ended. Mini skirt that is.
This week Ashley Olsen was seen shopping wearing a simple grey button down cardigan, indigo skinny jeans, an oversized bag and a pair of converse style sneakers. Very dressed down and very appropriate for a busy day of more than just window shopping. She kept it slick with a pulled back bun and a chic pair of Chloe sunglasses which she also wore in Greenwich. The model number is Chloe CL 2145 and they're fast becoming my favourite must-have pair.

These can be purchased on Otticanet if you have a spare $300 to spend on sunglasses.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Milano Trip - Live Sex Show

So here are the photos I managed to snap during those God knows how many hours we were in that sleazy X-Club in Milan on Friday night!

Unfortunately unknown to us, the was another male stripper show happened at the bar beside this X Club.

What the Milanese men usually do is to watch this malestripper show at this other bar first and then when that's finished, everybody will come to X Club and watch another live sex show!!!

Damn it! Next time perhaps!

The picture on the wall of X Club as you go inside the cruising club. You need an Arcigay Uno Card to enable you to enter this club (valid for most gay places all over Italy including saunas!). I think it's like €10.00 for a year membership.

That shower is usually used for the show as well... that shaved head guy had a shower first while the other guy was doing strip show next to the shower booth. AND then, after the shower, he'd join the hunk for a lot of sucking and fucking actions!

Yep, that's real fucking in front of live audience!

He's so dominant! I wish that was me under this hunk!

Nice cock........

Yeah, love the action and that guy who's in the audience is quite nice too....:P

Ankles bootied up!

With summer here, knee length boots have been replaced with its shorter cousin, ankle boots. From Keira knightley to Sarah Jessica Parker, the ankle bootie has been teamed with short hemlines to lengthen the leg and give off that real 80's vibe. Although many say that shoes that skim the ankle are far from flattering, these celebrities prove that a myth.

Sienna & Kiera on the Edge of Love...

When you have two of England's hottest young actress in one movie, you can be guaranteed that their premiere outfits will be smashing.
Keira Knightley embodies so much class and sophistication for such a young women, and if your wearing classic Chanel you can't look anything but classy. Sienna Miller chose a contemporary design by Jasmine Di Milo. The fringe dress is very appropriate for this season, with designers such as Balmain edging on the trend. She teamed the dress with skinny jeans, fedora and a Balenciaga Lune clutch bag, which brought a very London vibe to her outfit.
At a photo call for the movie, Keira still kept it lady like yet fresh with lace up booties. Sienna dressed very youthful and fun with a striped dress from her own brand Twenty8Twelve, cardigan, booties and clear framed wayfarer sunglasses from the young brand Benjamin eyewear.
Nicole Richie quickly embraced Benjamin Eyewear and has been seen several times of late sporting their large wayfarer model called 'Kayne' which retails for approximately $330, which is a brand really worth checking out.

Weekend Away!

Ciao bambinos! Weols akan berjalang jalang for the weekend mulai esok. About time uols, considering our last trip to the continent was like a month ago in Belgium/ Germany!

Memang mak pun dosi resah gelisah ala ala lagu Kak Ana Resahku kaedahnya sebab dah lama dinch terbang di awan biru **unlike orang inniew yang asik asiklaaa terbang melayang: KL lah, Vienna lah...mencikk!!! **ops!

Maybe mak dos bagitahu uols ke mana weols akan pergi but for those who does not know, lemme give uols some clues:

Peta bandaraya inniew dalam tahun 1621 katanya. Mahunya mak sesat jalan kalau pakai guna map nih untuk gi merewang rewang dalam city inniew noh???

Gambar bandaraya inniew in the 1900's... the two main buildings featured are still there up till now.

Dengar dengar the weather's gonna be swealtheringly hot; 30 degrees Celcius!!! Mak oii kena pakai coli bra bagaikah mak nanti??? **matilaa terburai abdomenkiewww tunjuk perut bagai!

AND hopefully we'll have time to have a day excursion to a lake nearby. Ohh and the very same day, ada perlawanan suku akhir Euro 2008 antara Italy dengan Spain! Mrasa mak akan dapat at least rasa kemeriahan Demam Euro 2008 nanti!

Nak harap England..cheh macam siyal.... jagoh kampung jah!!! Menyampah haku!

Ohh and to remind uols the power of free speech and opinion. Just a day or two after Avang sent an e-mail to the management company who manages the apartments about some people possibly "illegally" park their cars in our apartment compound, this is the result!

Sooo shocked but very happy with the result!

So far tonight, no f****ing unauthorised cars were parked anywhere on the compound. Even that bitch's car was not there; not sure where she parks her car though! BUT am I bovvered???

Rasainnnnnn... the power of the Queens kaedahnya!!!

p/s so have a great weekend uols! mak dah nak jumpa Massimo nih..sapakah Massimo?? **mak pekop molot masuk dalam selimut dulu naaa????

Geek is Chic

Last season, L.A's brat pack brought back memories of our favourite classic geek Steve Urkel with their big shades and waist lines on the high rise.
Nicole Richie was really got noticed when she rocked out in massive Kidada for Disney Couture vintage sunglasses and high waist Sass & Bide shorts. And when one starlet wears it, the rest follow. Soon Lindsay Lohan, Hilary Duff, Mischa Barton and Rachel Bilson all wore the high cut. However, the preference for high waist shorts didn't stick due to it's ability to make you look like your wearing dorky "mum" shorts.
However, this summer they seem to be resurrecting themselves with the help of the same starlets that brought them in as a trend. It's great to see Lindsay Lohan wearing the same Imitation Of Christ high waist denim shorts that she purchased back in early 2006. Whilst she pulls them off quiet well, Mischa Barton has a lot of explaining to do.
Although high waist shorts are fresh for summer, yellow high waist shorts are something you should definitely steer clear of. Mischa Barton does have very alternative style, which can make you want to copy or cringe from time to time but her satin high waisters are definitely cringe worthy. She has worn high waist styles before and didn't pull them off at all, so if she can't learn from her fashion mistakes, maybe we can learn from hers.

Heidi Montag the bag hag

Love her or hate her, in all honesty Hills star Heidi Montag can whip out really cute outfits from time to time. In summer spirit, half of speidi rocked out a easy breezy grey tank, a fresh pair of bright white high waist shorts, blue Hermes Kelly Bag and matching oversized scarf. Her chic outfit was paired with huge Chanel logoed sandals.
Speaking of Chanel, it seems to be Heidi's brand of choice with her several bags, scarfs and shoes. Although she loves Chanel, she seems to love really obvious Chanel. Big logos, metallic logos and multi logos have stacked up in Heidi's wardrobe.
But that's not hard to do, when Chanel's Resort Collection promoted that bigger the logo the better. With dresses, t-shirts, bags, earrings, necklaces and bracelets coated in crystallised, patent and leather logos of grand stature. Big logo or small logo, you can get me a Chanel bag anyday! ;)